Portfolio construction
Behavioral coaching: sticking to the game plan
Financial advisors can often find ourselves in the role of the psychologist, talking otherwise intelligent and successful clients out of acting irrationally amid times of volatility. Help them PAUSE for thought with this simple exercise.
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Decision Economics: designing an effective feedback loop
In the final part of our series on how human behavior can affect investment decisions, we’ll examine the performance review session, including techniques to promote deliberate process improvement.
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Diversification isn’t dead: the case for balanced 60/40 portfolios
Despite predictions that the traditional 60/40 balanced portfolio was doomed, the recent volatility has again proven the benefits of a diversified investment strategy.
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Decision Economics: do groups make better investment decisions than individuals?
In the fourth of a series of articles on how human behavior can affect investment decisions, we examine the interaction of individual biases and group dynamics and how they can lead to 'groupthink'.
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Decision Economics: the perils of the performance-chasing path
In the third of a series of articles on how human behavior can affect investment decisions, we look at the reasons why we’re predisposed to chase performance,and techniques to avoid it.
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Decision economics: does more data equal better decisions?
Investors have access to unprecedented levels of information, but does all of this data actually improve our ability to make good investment decisions?
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Decision Economics: how do you handle underperformance?
In the first of a series of articles on how human behavior can affect investment decisions, we look at the benefits of having a plan and sticking to it.
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Do high conviction active strategies perform better
When looking for outperforming managers, it’s generally helpful to look for active strategies with above-average active share and below-average turnover.
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How do the new Morningstar bond categories affect you?
Morningstar's new bond categories represent a major change for fixed-income investors. We discuss the change and how advisors are positioning clients today.
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A second look at short-term bond funds: Are investors missing the forest for the trees?
Allocations to short duration bond funds may not actually reduce a portfolio's overall risk. See why investors may want to reconsider the role that duration can play in reaching long-term goals.
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