Create a custom portfolio of funds and ETFs from any asset manager, industrywide

Analyze portfolio-level risk/return metrics versus a broad range of benchmarks

Model multiple portfolios to compare performance, risk metrics, historical allocations, and more

Share portfolios directly with clients or prospects
When you build custom portfolios to compare, you're not limited to funds from John Hancock Investment Management—you can choose from thousands of mutual funds, ETFs, and closed-end funds from across the industry. Just enter a name or ticker in the search field to get started.

Analyzing your portfolios is easy and intuitive. You'll find performance data across multiple time periods, but that's just the start. Risk metrics, alpha, maximum drawdown—everything you need to make informed comparisons is right at your fingertips.

Comparing portfolios lets you see at a glance how different investment approaches would've fared over time—and which strategy works best for your clients' goals.

Once you're ready to share your results, sending out customized comparisons is just a click away. You can share a portfolio with another investment professional on your team for further collaboration or deliver your findings straight to a client's inbox to kick off a conversation.