Related thought leadership—John Hancock Multifactor Large Cap ETF
Gain insight on the thinking behind John Multifactor Large Cap ETF (JHML), which targets a wide range of large-cap U.S. stocks and emphasizes factors (smaller cap, lower relative price, and higher profitability) that academic research has linked to higher expected returns.

Potential risks of timing your large-cap allocation
Investors trying to time their style exposure to large-cap growth and large-cap value funds may have slowly eroded their performance over time.
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Capitalizing on the shift from quality to value in large-cap blend
Investors should consider rotating from quality to value in large blend to capitalize on higher rates and undemanding valuations.
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Is it too late for low-volatility equities?
Investors may be tempted to allocate to low-volatility strategies as a result of recent volatility. We think it's important to evaluate their outperformance potential, versus the risks of missing a rebound in equities.
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Performance drivers of equal-weight equities
Investors concerned about rising concentration in market-cap-weighted indexes have turned to equal-weighted strategies in recent years to add diversification. We think these strategies may be introducing unintended risks in investor equity allocations.
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